Our Story


Meet Juno Valentina, a jewelry brand that was first inspired by Greek mythology and started as a passion project that grew to being an ethical, inclusive, affordable and quality focused brand.

Since Day 1, we knew that we wanted to produce quality at an affordable price so everyone that stumbles on our website could purchase our treasures.


The thing is, we had a vision of what we wanted but still couldn’t pin point our purpose. What does one get by purchasing a Juno Valentina piece?

We deep dived into our own lives as women and our own relationship with jewellery to find out that jewellery can be overwhelming for most people. New trends, do’s and don’ts, silver or gold and so many more variables including the hefty price tag that comes with it. And we vowed to always produce designs and collections free of all of that. Every single one of our items could be paired with any outfit, style or mood and still look fabulous.


Throughout our journey, we have welcomed many ambassadors and clients to the Juno Valentina Family; angels that ‘Unleashed their inner Goddess’ as we like to say and have truly shined in our company’s values and treasures. It is without doubt that our angels are the foundation of this brand and we desire nothing more than to grow that family and provide the best possible quality and service to them.